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To ensure environmental protection and contribute toward integrating environmental aspects into the preparation and adoption of strategic documents related to the implementation of the EU funds (Operational Program, Transport Development Strategy), these strategic documents are assessed according to Act No. 24/2006 on Environmental Impact Assessment and amendments to certain laws, as amended. Part of this process is to identify and assess the direct and indirect impacts of strategic documents on the environment.

Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure

Name Status
SEA OPII 2017 - Úprava výkonnostného rámca Actual
SEA OPII 2017 - Úprava finančného plánu Finished
SEA OPII 2016 - Úprava stratégie financovania PO 2 Finished
SEA OPII 2015 - Aplikácia princípu pro rata Finished
SEA OPII Finished

Strategic Development Plan for Transport in the Slovak Republic until 2030 (II. Phase)

Name Status
SEA Strategický plán rozvoja dopravy SR do roku 2030 (II. fáza) Finished

Strategic Development Plan for Transport Infrastructure in the Slovak Republic to 2020 (Phase I)

Name Status
SEA Strategický plán rozvoja dopravnej infraštruktúry SR do roku 2020 (I. fáza) Finished

Strategic plan for Development and Maintenance of second and third class roads

Name Status
SEA Strategický plán rozvoja a údržby ciest II. a III. triedy Finished

Managing Authority Photo gallery Main areas References
Ministry of Transport and Construction
of the Slovak Republic

Námestie slobody č. 6
P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava

Phone: 02 5949 4111

Photo gallery

The Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure is co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds© 2017 MTC SR
Managing Authority:
Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic