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The manual for drawing up analyses of expenditures and incomes as part of the submission of investment projects in the sphere of transport for the programming period 2014-2020.

The CBA Manual is a methodological aid and the manual for drawing up expenditure and income analyses for applicants or eligible beneficiaries of assistance from the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure 2014-2020, for the transport infrastructure projects implemented under the priority axes 1-6 of the Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure. The document is also supportive material for the managing authority for evaluating the effectiveness of funds that are part of investment projects being submitted.
The Guideline for  the Priority Axis 7 – Information Society is available at

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Valid from Name File type Size Valid until
19.06.2017 Príručka k analýze nákladov a výnosov investičných dopravných projektov OPII, verzia 2.0 RAR [2,1 MB] Actual
01.09.2015 Príručka k analýze nákladov a výnosov
investičných dopravných projektov OPII, verzia 1.0
RAR [403 kB] 18.06.2017

Managing Authority Photo gallery Main areas References
Ministry of Transport and Construction
of the Slovak Republic

Námestie slobody č. 6
P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava

Phone: 02 5949 4111

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The Operational Programme Integrated Infrastructure is co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds© 2017 MTC SR
Managing Authority:
Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic